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7th Annual National Security Officer Appreciation Week

The third week of September is National Security Officer Appreciation week. These security professionals help maintain safe and secure workplaces for retailers, corporations, shopping malls, and other public facilities.

In a blog post on the ASIS website, the association suggested that individuals and organizations show their appreciation in the following ways:

  • Share a message on Facebook and Twitter
  • Buy them lunch or a cup coffee
  • Write a thank-you note to individuals
  • Say “thank you” in-person
  • Include security officers in your ongoing recognition programs
  • Recognize outstanding officers by sharing their achievements
  • Host an appreciation event at your workplace

Often, security officers are under appreciated and taken for granted. However, they deserve our respect and gratitude for the role they play in protecting employees and customers often 365 days a year. Do your part during this appreciation week and throughout the year.

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