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7P Solutions: ‘Shrink’ Outside the Box

Whether your box is a distribution center, store or even a single case shipment to your store, we have technology to alert you to a loss as it’s occurring.

7PSolutions is an industry leader of supply chain visibility tools, and, recognizing shrink reduction is a vital part of any retailer’s daily business routine, we have designed a variety of tools to combat “shrink.”

Our tools incorporate a variety of GPS technologies that include reusable devices, vehicle hardwired solutions and a single-use device. Understanding the importance of accuracy, all of our GPS devices provide real-time GPS tracking, which is backed up by GSM Cell Tower ID tracking should GPS be lost. In addition to real-time tracking, 7P Solutions offers devices that can monitor many different conditions such as temperature, light exposure, humidity, shock/vibration and 3D orientation.

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Real-time alarms provide immediate notification should a shipment move outside of a designated route, or the temperature of a product reach a dangerous level. Light sensor alerts you when shipments are opened between origin and destination as well. Tools offer functionality that is based on each individual retailers’ business requirements.

7P also provides the ability to combine EDI shipment details under the same platform. This allows many departments within the organization to see all inventory within the supply chain under one single management tool.

Whether your need is to protect against cargo theft, product spoilage or just reduce inventory dollars within the supply chain, 7PSolutions has a solution for you.

Call us today and ask us how (812) 988-4430 or visit

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