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5 Things to be Thankful for This Year

The past year — unfortunately, similar to the one before it — has not been easy. The resurgence of a global pandemic, supply chain disruptions, and increased retail crime have all taken a toll. Still, there is much for loss prevention professionals to be thankful for this year. Here are just five:

  1. Working in a Profession That Values Innovation and Diversity. Recent years have proven how important innovation and diversity is — industries that haven’t made these priorities dig their own grave. Thankfully, loss prevention stays on the cutting ege.
  2. Partnerships. While they’ve always been important, this past year has also proven just how vital partnerships are. Loss prevention benefits from working with law enforcement, retail associations, and others.
  3. Learning How to Adapt. Since the coronavirus pandemic first hit the US, loss prevention teams have been hard at work learning how to adapt to a variety of unexpected scenarios. And while inconvenient at the time, this proved just how strong LP teams are.
  4. Returning to In-person Events. Finally, after almost two years of attending virtual conferences and connecting with team members via Zoom, in-person events are making their return (with strict safety measures in place, of course).
  5. Keeping People Safe. Organized retail crime and shoplifting have been plaguing the loss prevention industry more than ever lately. Still, LP professionals should be proud of keeping people safe amidst all of this unrest.

Here at LP Magazine, we are most thankful for our loyal readers and advertisers, and all of the hard work that you do to make this industry so great. We hope you all have a happy Thanksgiving, full of family and good food!

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