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Two Women Charged in 5 State ORC Shoplifting Ring

The Madison Police Department received a call from Ulta Loss Prevention in Memphis, Tennessee, regarding two women that were currently inside the Ulta Beauty Supply. Loss Prevention had identified the two women as being involved in a multi-state felony shoplifting ring responsible for thefts in Monroe, Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas, Oklahoma and most recently, Flowood, Mississippi.

Their bond was set on Tuesday at $405,000 for Margo Norris and $150,000 for Mickeiko Edwards. The women were stealing items from the Ulta in Madison when officers from the police department arrived at the location. A vehicle pursuit ensued as officers attempted to take the women into custody. There were no injuries or property damage as a result of the pursuit.

The women are currently in custody in the City of Madison, being charged with felony shoplifting, felony fleeing, conspiracy to commit a crime, possession of marijuana and driving under the influence. Investigators with the Madison Police Department are currently working with the other agencies to return the stolen items and other charges are expected in the respective jurisdictions.   [Source: WLBT3 News]

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