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3SI Security Systems: Recover Stolen Cash and Assets with GPS Trackers — Booth 214

Retail LP professionals want innovative, efficient and cost-effective solutions to stop robberies and burglaries…and 3SI’s tracking technology answers these needs. 3SI incorporates smart technology into a compact profile that is easily hidden from thieves. The company’s complete line of products protects ATMs, jewelers, pharmacies, high-end retailers, consumer electronics and more.

Key features include:

  • Device is triggered automatically when moved: employees don’t need to take any actions to report the crime;
  • Quick and easy installation: once you have the tracker, it will be up and protecting your store in about 20 minutes.
  • Minimal maintenance: charging once per quarter is the only maintenance needed.
  • Reasonable cost: using 3SI trackers costs less than a cup of coffee a day.
  • 24/7/365 Support: the company’s US-based Tracking Support Center is always available to answer questions and to support you in case of a robbery. 3SI handles interfacing with law enforcement so you don’t have to.

At less than $1/day (after the first year) and boasting a 70 percent-plus asset recovery rate and criminal apprehension rate, 3SI’s solutions are a must-have for retail establishments.

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