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3SI Security Systems: Deterrence Isn’t Enough

Most stores use alarms, locks, safes, cameras and other crime deterrents, but criminals continue to rob retail locations. Deterrents can stop some crimes, but criminals either learn to outsmart them or, are so strongly motivated, will rob regardless of preventive measures used. The only surefire way to prevent crimes is to lock up crooks. 3SI Security Systems’ tracking technology does just that: it puts criminals behind bars, stopping them from committing crimes. Further, it recovers stolen cash and assets so store owners can get back to business with minimal losses.

Over 80,000 3SI trackers are protecting assets around the world and leverage multiple technologies (GPS, cellular and RF) for pinpoint accuracy in tracking. Other important features include:

  • Covert packaging disguises the tracker from criminals and won’t impact store operations
  • Device self-health checks to ensure it is ready to protect 24/7
  • Reliable performance in challenging locationswhere other trackers fail
  • Device is up and running to protect your store in less than 15 minutes
  • Device automatically notifies police…store owners and employees stay clear of potentially dangerous situations
  • Solution is scalable and can protect one store or thousands
  • Over 70 percent success rate in criminal apprehension and cash/inventory recovery

3SI GPS Tracking is available to protect most retail businesses, including:

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  • Cash in drawers, safes, vaults and during transportation
  • Jewelry in displays and safes
  • Smartphones/tablets
  • Cigarettes, both packs and cartons
  • Pharmaceuticals

At NRF Protect, see Eastern US Sales Manager Dan Kopchik and current 3SI customers discussing how they successfully employ GPS Tracking to protect their employees, customers and inventory. For more information, visit

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