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32 Shoplifters Arrested in Canadian Boost and Bust Project

Over a three-day period between September 16 and September 18, 2022, Prince George BC’s Royal Canadian Mounted Police Downtown Safety Unit partnered once again with loss prevention officers at a mall to target prolific shoplifters.

Altogether, police arrested 32 people for a variety of offenses including theft, resisting arrest, and failing to comply with court ordered conditions. Additionally, three individuals were taken into custody for outstanding arrest warrants. Many of the individuals arrested are known to police for similar offenses and more than one was violating conditions not to be at Pine Centre Mall. The total value of the recovered items was over $4,500.

As a result of their continued presence in downtown Prince George, the Downtown Safety Unit said they recognized all of the offenders arrested over the weekend. In total, investigators will be forwarding 20 reports to the BC Prosecution Service for the offenses.

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The suspects were released on undertakings with future court dates, and the investigations are still ongoing.

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