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3 Ways Modern Retailers Can Minimize Enterprise Mobility Risks

In an effort to give employees access to corporate resources from anytime and anywhere, an increasing number of retailers are introducing Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) programs. These programs have become an important cost-cutting measure for employers, as retailers no longer have to pay for devices employees already have or corporate resources they won’t use.

But this cost-effective solution doesn’t come without challenges. One of the major issues with allowing employees to introduce their own technology is how to maintain an adequate level of security, especially if workers are using weak passwords, accessing unsecured Wi-Fi networks, leaving phones and tablets unattended, or never updating their applications.

Here are three ways retailers can minimize enterprise mobility risks brought on by BYOD:

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1. Introduce cyber security training – Whether it’s a loss prevention associate or manager, every employee requires some level of cyber security training. These training sessions should be focused on providing workers with information on the risks associated with accessing schedules, training materials, and other data on personal and company devices, so they can beware of current threats. It is critical for these trainings to provide clear linkage between how these issues impact their work day and personal lives.

2. Invest in layers of security – While retail cyber security training can help lessen the likelihood of an attack, it isn’t a foolproof way to keep information safe. Retailers need to invest in security solutions that will guard against human error. An enterprise-level identity and access management solution that integrates multi-factor authentication can help retailers secure app access across corporate desktops, web and mobile, so they don’t need to worry about information being compromised from one device to the next, even if these devices are not owned by the company.

3. Establish a security policy – Retailers need to introduce a data security policy that works for their entire organization. If the program is too rigid, employees are likely to subvert or ignore the guidelines. This goes back to the concept of embracing BYOD rather than fighting it. Along these lines, it is especially important that these policies be customized for a mobile workforce, which means the processes need to provide a reasonable alternative for those who are constantly on the go.

This post was originally published in 2017 and was updated August 20, 2018.

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