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2019 International Supply Chain Protection Organization (ISCPO) Conference Registration Now Open

The International Supply Chain Protection Organization (ISCPO) is pleased to announce its 5th annual conference is open for registration at The conference will be held March 6-7, 2019 in Dallas, Texas where ISCPO members and loss prevention professionals will hear from industry veterans and get the latest trends in supply chain security, industry theft, global trends, and investigation.

The Evolution of Ecommerce Security

This year’s conference will focus on how Ecommerce is transforming the landscape of loss prevention and supply chain risk management. “We thought it was fitting to open registration on Cyber Monday. Research found that retailers’ online sales over the 4-day Black Friday shopping weekend increased 18% in 2017, according to an Adobe Digital Insights study. 2018 will be sure to demonstrate even more demand for online purchases. But, Ecommerce isn’t simply driven by the Amazons of the world and retail to end-consumer channels. Ecommerce is motivating all industries to innovate at all levels within the global supply chain. We’re seeing transportation resources reaching their limits as well as an increase in global threats and internet crime. B2B channels are now using blockchain technology to manage the movement of goods. Essentially the majority of business transactions are being conducted online,” says Byron Smith, ISCPO Vice-Chairman. “With Ecommerce now immersed across the global supply chain, how can we, as LP and security professionals, be proactive in leading security transformation within our organizations? What tools do we use to maintain transparent chain-of-custody in the Ecommerce lifecycle, from the initial buying process, the shipping of goods, to returns.”

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The two-day conference will feature a wide range of speakers from both private sector and public law enforcement. Sessions will tackle issues currently affecting the global supply chain and how their companies are focusing on delivering their products and services in a digital world. Speakers from an array of Fortune 500 companies including American Airlines, Deloitte, Amazon, Daimler, and Pitney Bowes will share how they’re staying ahead of the curve when it comes to mitigating risk and loss across their supply channels. In addition, industry experts and the public sector will be represented.

There will also be sessions outlining the ISCPO Carrier Security Audit & Certification program. The industry certification is awarded to third-party logistics carriers who meet the ISCPO Carrier Security Requirement, which is a combination of successfully achieving compliance of industry standards, risk management processes and universal controls between customer and service provider.

Past attendees of the ISCPO annual conference have said that its intimate and interactive agenda and venue enables a collaborative environment where professionals can partner with peers, discuss business trends, keep their fingers on the pulse, and discover new vendors. “By coming together under one roof, we can share knowledge and best practices so that we can protect our brands, people, and goods,” adds Smith.

Individuals can register online at Early bird rates available (20% off regular rate available) until January 18, 2019.


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