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150 Walmart Asset Protection Associates Receive LPF Scholarships

Walmart Stores, Inc., in partnership with the The Loss Prevention Foundation (LPF) has awarded 150 scholarships to associates on the Walmart Stores U.S. Asset Protection & Safety team. The scholarships are designed to support their career advancement and personal development while working at Walmart.

Walmart takes great pleasure in every opportunity to invest in the development of their teams. Walmart awarded 138 LPC’s and 12 LPQ scholarships for certification-review courses and the final examinations which will earn them a widely-recognized certification within the loss prevention industry.

“Walmart is proud to offer these associates an LPC or LPQ scholarship. It’s a great investment in their careers and our company. We feel the LPC and LPQ programs offer a comprehensive retail educational opportunity to AP/LP professionals that will help them deliver great results and reduce losses in our stores,” mentioned Paul Jaeckle, LPC, Sr. Director, Asset Protection & Safety, Walmart Stores U.S.

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“We congratulate all of the scholarship recipients and also the Walmart Asset Protection leadership for their vision and commitment to continued education. The LPC validates and expands one’s knowledge base and emphasizes the business aspects that truly add to profit enhancement. It establishes a holistic approach to asset protection operations and achieving results,” stated Gene Smith, LPC and president of LPF.

Congratulations to the following recipients of the LPQualified (LPQ) Scholarships:

Nancy Scherer                    Dencie Johnson-Cole           Jennifer Mounce
Jeffrey Gonzaelz                 LaCeysha Garcia                 Estrella Jackson
Tamara Shoemaker           Deiedra Clark                       Christy Dennis
Ken Schatz                           Michael Edwards                 Marcus Banks

Congratulations to the following recipients of the LPCertified (LPC) Scholarships:

Kim Adams                       Penny Harvey                   Timothy Regan
Melanie Clemmons          Tim Marshall                     Leeza Stacey-Parker
Max Alonso                       Douglas Harwood              Derick Rich
Roberto Alvarez               Erin Heald                          Dawana Riddick
Brad Antalosky                 Bob Higgins                        Kevin Robertson
Jeff Baker                           Matthew Hilfers                Noah Robin
Kathi Basarab                   Bodey Holbert                    Amy Robinson
Shane Baumgardner        Andrew Holmes                 Jade Roddy
Jeffrey Beaulieu                Arlis Hoover                      Buffie Rodriguez
Alex Bell                             Matthew Hovland             Thomas Ryan
Mark Bergman                  Craig Iglesias                     Chris Sacramone
Becky Berry                       Diana Johnson                   Desyry Sanchez
Bryan Beseler                    Kyle Jones                          Adam Sanders
Kevin Braasch                    Ryan Jones                        Ulanda Sanders
Wess Burroughs                Sujatha Kaipa                     Ruarik Schaffert
Jeff Buskirk                         Kevin Krebs                        Aaron Schiffelbein
Jeremy Carr                        Jason Krongaard                Frank Seo
Travis Carter                     Joseph Laky                       Amany Shalabi
Kimberly Castle                 Craig Ledbetter                  Alan Shann
Brian Chandler                  Nicholas Lenox                   Roger Shaw
Nancy Scherer                   Dencie Johnson-Cole         Jennifer Mounce
Jeffrey Gonzaelz                LaCeysha Garcia               Estrella Jackson
Tamara Shoemaker          Deiedra Clark                     Christy Dennis
Ken Schatz                         Michael Edwards               Marcus Banks
Ardis Charbonneau           Michael Lipari                    Justin Smith
Ahmad Chbib                     Mathew Logan                   Danny Sorrells
Kory Ciesielski                   Maria Louis                        Richard Souza
Kristine Collins                  Lawrence Mattis                Rob Stark
Kevin Clay                           Stacie Lundberg                Meghan St. Laurent
Sarah Couture                   Becca McCaffrey                Howard Storie
Brett Davidson                  Mark Mikesell                    Corrie Tallman
Frederick Davis                  John Miks                           Cory Taylor
April Delvisco                     Tricia Miller                       Jeffrey Taylor
Darrin DeRoule                  Sandra Mitchell                 Lacy Tennison
Mark Earl                            Constance Morris              Shatora Thomas
Jeremy Elwell                      Amani Msangi                    Carlos Torres
Cecil Evabs                         Joe Netzler                         John Volkmar
Matthew Evans                 Stephanie Ojeda                Melissa Wacha
Steven Farmer                   Jim Olsen                           Christopher Wardlow
Rodney Gantt                    Ryan Orlando                    Kevin Warn
Ranger Gapinski                Ulka Patel                          Gary Wasoski
Robert Garza                     Umang Patel                      Christopher White
Michael Geloso                  Audra Paterakis               Brandon Wilkinson
Gina Giacomini                  Michelle Peters                 Jerry Wilson
Ron Giehl                            Brandon Peterson             Jason Winckler
Gene Gordon                      Erin Peterson                    Matthew Wisecup
Susan Green                       Jason Petty                        Dianna Wood
Kevin Gronewold               Matthew Phelps                Chad Woods
Paula Harris                        Kristin Ray                         Brandy Zachary
Mark Hart                            Jenifer Reel                        Shannon Rowan

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