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Tag: rfid chip

RFID technology radio frequency identification

RFID Technology and Its Use in Asset Protection

RFID technology allows companies to know where in their process any particular asset is, so they can monitor the speed of production, the time of delivery, or any other factor that will help them to see how long their processes actually take—and control assets by knowing where they are at any point in time.

RFID Technology and Asset Protection

Technology regarding assets is moving at a fast pace. To be able to accurately monitor and track assets is of paramount importance to many...

Combating Cargo Loss at the Army & Air Force Exchange Service

Since the first formal post exchanges were established by the War Department in 1895, an exchange system has served side-by-side with U.S. military troops both in...
what is rfid solutions

Understanding the Impact of RFID on Retail

Over the past few years, it has been hard to pick up a newspaper or magazine without seeing an article about RFID. Publications such...
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