What is Loss Prevention?

Data analysis? Facial recognition? Smart cameras? This is not your father’s loss prevention. In fact, it’s not quite today’s loss prevention—this is the very near future, and any LP professional who fails to master it will become yesterday’s LP professional rather quickly. That’s the outlook from the experts at LP Magazine, and from the senior LP pros we consulted to create our wide-ranging, essential Special Report, What is Loss Prevention?. And the good news is: This Special Report is absolutely FREE. Whether you’re a seasoned LP pro or just starting your career, it’s time to look into the future and prepare yourself to excel in it. While LP once was a simple matter of preventing theft of physical objects, it is evolving to include a vast range of new requirements and skill sets. If you’re not completely familiar with the LP of the future, you must read this Special Report now. This report from LP Magazine – the premier provider of news, analysis and trends for the LP professional – is designed to help you …
- Understand the latest retail technology and how it complicates loss prevention
- Learn which skills you must have to succeed in the new world of loss prevention
- Prepare for the new LP environment by planning to acquire the skills you never thought you’d need
- Advance your career by being an LP professional your company can count on to adapt
- Become a leader in your organization and in the industry
You probably already know that the rise of omni-channel retailing, which allows shoppers to buy what they want, wherever they want, and to decide exactly how they want to pay, is changing your industry. It’s great for shoppers—but a nightmare for LP. All of that mobile retail means data, data and more data: a new and different kind of item that LP professionals must learn to protect. Are you ready? What’s more, omni-channel retailing introduces the possibility of entirely new kinds of fraud. If you want to succeed in LP, you must add an understanding of the entire supply chain operation, from systems to processes, to your repertoire. Are you ready? And then there are the demands of new the video analytics, information technology, disaster recovery planning, ethics enforcement, and, unfortunately, increasing workplace violence—where risk management becomes less about protecting things than about protecting human lives. Are you ready? Find out what companies expect from an LP professional now and in the future. Download this report today.