Solution Provider Partner and Innovator, Best Podcast and Webinar Winners Announced

ALTO Alliance won Solution Provider Partner and Best Webinar
ALTO Alliance won Solution Provider Partner and Best Webinar

The second four categories of 2020 The Hall winners were announced Tuesday, July 20, via LinkedIn Live on the magazine LinkedIn page. Nominees were voted on by loss prevention professionals via the LP Portal app. Below is a recap of the winners along with the runners up and finalists. Click on the category header below to read the full descriptions of the winners and nominees. The recorded announcement of the winners can be viewed below as well.

Announcements of the results of the remaining categories will be made via LinkedIn Live each day this week at 1:00 pm EDT. Click here to see the schedule of announcements.

Solution Provider Partner

Winner: ALTO Alliance
At the beginning of the pandemic, the ALTO Alliance team hosted a conference call with retailers from Europe who shared best practices that were critical for keeping appraised of what could be coming to the US. ALTO provided proactive intelligence during the social unrest and partnerships with law enforcement, district attorneys, and other community support systems.

Digital Partners

Runner Up:

  • AXIS Communications


  • ThinkLP
  • CargoNet
  • Auror

Solution Provider Innovator

Winner: ThinkLP
ThinkLP offered a ground-breaking case and audit platform that was easy to implement and could quickly identify, solve, report, and mitigate crime. But in the last year, ThinkLP has focused on developing and improving their AI and analytics products including an easy to use and innovative exception-based reporting and analytics platform.

Runners Up (Tie):

  • Treuth
  • 3Si Security Systems


  • SecureCash

Outstanding Podcast or Series

Winner: CrimeScience, Loss Prevention Research Council
CrimeScience explores the science of crime prevention and the practical application of science for LP and AP practitioners and other professionals. CrimeScience discusses a wide range of topics with industry experts, thought leaders, solution providers, and many more.

Runner Up:

  • 2Cents on 2Things, LPM


  • ISCPO 360 Security Podcasts, ISCPO
  • The Employee Safety Podcast, AlertMedia

Outstanding Webinar or Series

Winner: ALTO Alliance and LPM—COVID-19 Lessons from Spain
At the very onset of the pandemic and systemic shutdowns across the globe, ALTO Alliance, in partnership with LPM, hosted an important webinar on COVID-19. Spain then had one of the highest infection rates in the world that started several weeks before North America. The lessons learned from Spain helped all retailers prepare for the months to come.

Runner Up:

  • Global Retail Crime Summit—Auror


  • AXIS Retail Open Mic—AXIS Communications
  • ORCAS in Action 2020 Summit—Coalition of 26 ORCAS and LPM
  • The Power of Teamwork—LP and LE combatting ORC and Gangs, 3Si, and LPF


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