JVCKENWOOD Corporation has recently announced the introduction of newly designed KENWOOD-branded, Android-based LTE handset devices. The KWSA80K and KWSA50K push-to-talk smartphone devices are reportedly rugged, durable, submersion-resistant handsets with hardware and functional advancements designed for the hazardous and extreme conditions faced by enterprise and mission-critical users. Both models are 4G LTE/Wi-Fi/FirstNet Band 14 capable and feature KENWOOD audio for clear voice communications in noisy work environments and three-year warranties.
The Android-powered KWSA80K smartphone is designed specifically for mission-critical and heavy-duty industrial use with a 5-in, sunlight-readable, puncture-resistant touchscreen which can be used even with dirty or wet work gloves. It has an extra-loud speaker, built-in noise cancellation, long-life battery and is compatible with a broad spectrum of accessories and apps. Durability is assured with protection from oil, chemical and micro particle intrusion and resistance to drop/impact, shock/vibration, extreme temperatures, pressure and punctures.
The Android-based KWSA50K (shown) is engineered for the everyday demands of construction, transportation and manufacturing workers, with an industrial-grade, impact-resistant Corning® Gorilla® Glass display and an extra-large PTT button, making it easy to use wearing work gloves. It features two front-facing speakers and a long-lasting dual shift battery and is dust, oil, chemical and microparticle resistant, capable of withstanding punctures, shock/vibration and drops onto concrete.