Grocer Will Pay Workers $100 to Get Vaccine

The Kroger Co. family of companies said it would provide a single $100 payment to all workers who get the “full manufacturer-recommended doses” of the coronavirus vaccine, according to an announcement.

“Since March, we have invested more than $1.5 billion to both reward our associates and to safeguard our associates and customers through the implementation of dozens of safety measures that we continue to execute today,” Kroger Chief People Officer Tim Massa said in the announcement. “[W]e’re increasing our investment to not only recognize our associates’ contributions, but also encourage them to receive the COVID-19 vaccine as it becomes available to them to optimize their well-being as well as the community’s.”

The single payment will be provided to workers who get the “full manufacturer-recommended doses” and provide proof of inoculation to human resources. However, Kroger says that workers who cannot get the inoculation because of religious or medical reasons can finish a health and safety course to get the payment.

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Aside from the vaccine payment, Kroger revealed a further $50 million investment that includes 1,000 fuel points and a $100 store credit for “hourly frontline grocery, supply chain, manufacturing, pharmacy and call center associates,” according to the announcement. Those rewards will be put onto the loyalty cards of workers on Thursday (Feb. 11).

The Kroger family of companies says it has taken a number of steps to support its workers amid the pandemic beyond the vaccine payment and worker rewards. Those measures include mandating and providing masks for workers and encouraging them to stay home if they are unwell, providing coronavirus testing to workers based on symptoms and medical need, and offering additional pay, bonuses and rewards, among others.

In separate news, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is turning toward grocers to help administer COVID-19 vaccines on a wider scale. A number of supermarkets have already joined the Federal Retail Pharmacy Program Partners. Participating stores will get their vials during the week of February 8…


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