Webinar: Active Threats in Retail: Do You Have a Plan?

Active threat incidents are unpredictable, and every situation is unique. The “where,” “when,” “who,” and “why” are different in every case. However, regardless of the specific situation, the shooter always has the same goal, and they have a plan. The shooter has a plan, and so should you.

We have all heard the lessons of “Run, Hide, Fight” and similar messages that provide us training on those critical moments during active assailant situations. But do you have an actual plan? In your current workplace and under the different situations and circumstances that you might experience, have you really thought through the best course of action if faced with a life-threatening event?

Gun violence is a real threat in today’s society, and incidents have become far too common in the retail setting. Considering the frequency of these events and the devastation that can result, none of us should be without a plan. Understanding how to respond, where to seek shelter, and when to take action empowers individuals to make informed decisions and increase their chances of survival in critical moments of crisis. By familiarizing ourselves with proper protocols and strategies, we can better protect ourselves and others.

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Join us on Thursday, June 29th from 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm Eastern Time for this critically important discussion with a top expert on active threat situations as he shares important lessons on how each of us can formulate a plan and better prepare ourselves for how to respond should we be faced with a life-threatening event.

Jedd Bradley

Jedd Bradley is passionate about how to train and educate the public on what to do in an active threat incident. With more than 20 years in law enforcement, Bradley is still serving the community. As a 13-year veteran on the SWAT team and currently a team leader, he has trained more than 25,000 employees from all over the country, providing real-time guidance on what to do in an active threat situation. He has been a keynote speaker nationwide on this topic and helps businesses, schools, churches, and universities train their employees on what to do during an event.

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