US Customs Seizes $3.4M in Fake Luxury Brands

designer wallet bag counterfeit

The US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) reported a seizure of 5,300 counterfeit goods at LAX yesterday, which would have totaled up to $3,475,000 at their genuine retail value combined. Several popular fashion brands were infringed upon within the fake product, including apparel and accessories labeled as coming from Gucci, Nike, Louis Vuitton, Hermès, Fendi and more.

The release goes on to detail the number and type of counterfeit items that were seized, with the largest amount listed as 1,242 counterfeit Gucci belts. According to the CBP, other fake merchandise included: “678 pairs of counterfeit Nike shoes, 531 counterfeit Louis Vuitton handbags, 500 counterfeit Samsung adaptors, 502 counterfeit Gucci fanny packs, 230 counterfeit Hermes handbags, 192 counterfeit Casio Shock watches, 144 counterfeit Ferragamo belts, 100 counterfeit Versace belts, and 119 counterfeit Fendi shorts.” The air cargo shipment came in from… HypeBeast

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