Support the LP Industry by Taking the 2023 ORC Across the States Survey

By completing the survey you also support your fellow LP professionals

Organized retail crime (ORC) remains one of retail’s greatest challenges, impacting our retail businesses as well as our customers and employees in many extremely harmful ways. Unfortunately, many people do not fully understand organized retail crime or its devastating effect on retailers. As a result, the Loss Prevention Research Council (LPRC), the LP Foundation, and LP Magazine are once again partnering to survey multi-store loss prevention/asset protection managers and ORC investigators to better understand the causes, consequences, and control of ORC throughout the United States at the state level. Our goal is to generate hard data about organized retail crime; including how it affects retailers and the communities they serve.

“These crimes aren’t just affecting retail, but other industries as well,” says Cory Lowe, senior research scientist for LPRC. “It depletes the economic base for a lot of areas.” Organized retail crime is directly contributing to store closings, reduced hours, and economic hardships across the country. It is also impacting our communities in many other ways, influencing other criminal activity and affecting safety issues across the cities and towns where these crimes take place.

We Need Your Help

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By participating in this survey, your voice can be heard. To build results that truly reflect the nature and impact of this important topic, we need the input of those that deal with these issues on a day-to-day basis. Therefore, the research team at the Loss Prevention Research Council (LPRC) has requested that only multi-store loss prevention/asset protection managers and ORC investigators take part in the survey.

The 2023 survey will include questions regarding your background in loss prevention, and will then ask you in-depth questions that will include:

• Your organization’s experience with and response to ORC;
• The effects that ORC is having on the communities, retailers, and employees in the areas where you serve;
• Your perceptions of the criminal justice system’s response to organized retail crime; and
• Your experiences with organized retail crime as a professional in the industry.

Your Participation Will Directly Support the LPBF

Your participation in the survey will benefit the entire retail community, but will also directly serve your fellow loss prevention professionals in their time of greatest need. Sensormatic, who has stepped up to sponsor this important survey, has also generously agreed to donate $10 to the Loss Prevention Benevolent Fund (LPBF) on behalf of the first 500 participants (up to $5,000), so you will also be contributing to a great cause by participating. The LPBF is an independent 501(c)3 non-profit that supports loss prevention/asset protection professionals who are injured on the job as well as the families of LP professionals who are killed on the job.

The complete report of the survey will be made available through the Loss Prevention Research Council and will once again be summarized by LPRC in an upcoming edition of LP Magazine.


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