Reflecting on the Past 20 Years

Here at the magazine, were celebrating our twentieth birthday this September. During that time, I have written over 100 Parting Words articles. Some were good, others pretty average, and maybe a few just bad. Notwithstanding, I have some favorites that I keep posted in my office. Perhaps you liked them as well. As a reminder, here are some excerpts. 

Thinking about Things Ive Been Thinking About” from July 2016 

Been thinking that there is really only one real objective in loss prevention—protecting the company brand. Would not every C-level executive be happy if everything that was done protected the brand and did not cause any embarrassment? That goes for the vendor world as well. People lose their jobs for failing to deal with an exposure or creating a mess. Rightfully so, executives react quickly to this and make a change. 

What is not right is when they get it wrong, and C-level arrogance makes an emotional change. Been thinking about those mid- and top-level executives who have been victims of such naive decision making. Good that these people have the fortitude and resiliency to get back in the saddle; we need them in the industry. 

Digital Partners

Been thinking about the little things that the best in this business seem to have in common. They start each day by believing it is going to be a great day. They dont waste their time on negative people who can bring them down. When you shake their hand, they smile and exude enthusiasm. As bad as a situation might be, they respond to it in the positive. 

Been thinking that I need to work on my attitude. It should be a work in progress not a completed work. I need to admit that when things dont always go well, it may be my fault. I need to say why I like things, not why I dont. I have to be more willing to help others without expectations. Being cynical is a trait you learn in this business, but dont bring it home. Also, all of us need to count our blessings. 

Been thinking about how many times I have heard someone say to me, See you later, and dont work too hard.” I always take that as a positive that someone thinks I am working hard and trying to be successful; I hope so. So to all of you, Dont work too hard.” 

 “Half in the Bag” from July 2012 

One piece of advice that I believe will contribute more to making you a better leader, will provide you with greater happiness and self-esteem, and at the same time advance your career more than any other advice I can provide to you. And it doesnt call for any certain chemistry. Any one of you can do it. And that advice is that you must care.” That quote is from U.S. Army General Melvin Zais, who was highly decorated in WWII and Vietnam. He was the commanding general of the 101st Airborne at the battle of Hill 937 in Vietnam, more commonly referred to it as “Hamburger Hill.” My brother was there for the two-week battle and survived.  

Yogi Berra 

Yogi Berra was known for his interesting quotes. Ive used several throughout the years. Here are a couple I enjoy the most: “When you come to the fork in the road, just take it.” And “I knew I was going to take the wrong turn, so I left early.” They may not make sense to you, but they do to me.  

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