Mobile Check-In Solution Dramatically Improves the Customer Experience

In early 2019, a leading hospitality company with 4,300 destinations in more than 110 countries needed a tablet-based, mobile solution to expedite their guest check-in process. They began researching technology options but were unable to find a solution that was lightweight, flexible, and compatible with their payment processor.

Additionally, the accessories required needed to work with the solution. The system would be used all day, so it needed to be sturdy and support secure transactions. The client needed to charge the devices overnight and connect to their network for IT updates. Microsoft introduced the customer to MTI’s RapidDoc® product line and its support for the Microsoft Surface Pro tablet.

The MTI Solution

MTI RapidDoc family
MTI RapidDoc family

The hospitality company partnered with MTI, launching a pilot program including up to 20 RapidDoc Kiosk Pro and Microsoft Surface Pro Elite Case combined with the MSR (Magnetic Swipe Reader) units in four US properties.

Digital Partners

RapidDoc provides both power and security for the tablet when the Surface is docked. Software updates are done overnight via the RapidDoc’s built-in Ethernet port.

Room key programming is integrated with the tablet solution, allowing key cards to be created without the customer leaving their vehicle.

The Mag Swipe supports secure, fully encrypted transactions that are compatible with the payment processor, allowing mobile payments to be taken without the customer leaving their vehicle.

Security was provided by RapidDoc’s RFID-based magnetic and mechanical latching mechanism. The Surface Pro tablets can be unlocked with a single swipe of the provided RFID key, making the check-in unit completely mobile but secure when docked and charging overnight.

“It was very simple to dock and undock the tablet, even with one hand, with no cables to connect and disconnect. The RapidDoc solution allows grab-and-go tablet access. It was really one solution for all of our problems,” said the manager of process excellence for resort operations with the company.

The client has found MTI very responsive to any reported issues. “It has been great, anything that we ask for or need, they were right on it.”

Managing Check-ins during COVID

The pilot program was proving its value by enhancing the guest’s check-in experience. Still, in early 2020 with the start of the COVID-19 global pandemic, the client dealt with another challenge—keeping employees and guests safe and healthy. The RapidDoc solution once again proved to be the only solution to solve both challenges the client faced, leading to additional orders of 90 units to assist other properties.

“When the pandemic hit, everyone in the client company wanted to get their hands on it. We deployed close to 90 devices in two to three months,” said the hospitality company spokesperson.

Now, most of the resorts are doing curbside check-in using the system. “The feedback has been great from the guests. Now, they do not have to leave their cars to check in, so the process is quick, efficient, and safer for both our employees and the guests.”

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