Mask Wearing in Retail and Riot vs. Rebellion | Ep. 40

Join LPM’s Kevin McMenimen as we get Paul Jaeckle’s 2Cents on 2Things starting with a discussion on the controversial issue of mask wearing in retail. He shares some of the challenges that his team have faced at Meijer encouraging and enforcing retail’s new normal. Jaeckle then weighs in on the topic of Riot versus Rebellion, discussing the importance of how the language we use internally as well as the outreach we make to the communities play critical roles in both supporting public demonstrations while emphasizing safety and security for our stores, staff, and customers. To add your voice to the topics of mask wearing and riot vs. rebellion, take our poll by clicking here.

Paul Jaeckle

In this episode we also celebrate Jaeckle’s chosen charity Silent Observer of Kent County as well as learn two quick things about him as we “scan” his new personal barcode and find out how he obtained his degree from an all-female university.

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Silent Observer is a non-profit organization dedicated to public safety and since 1972 has remained committed to its mission to solve and prevent serious crime in the Greater Grand Rapids, Michigan, area in partnership with citizens, the media, and law enforcement. Silent Observer empowers citizens to stand up and speak out against crime through an anonymous tip line that provides a safe and anonymous way to report information about serious crime. A donation will be made to this charity as a thank you for Jaeckle’s participation in this podcast.

This series is sponsored by Prime Communications whose Prime Secured solutions provide retailers with a safe and secured environment for employees, visitors, and physical assets. Click below to watch the video of this discussion.


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