Looking to Avoid a Property Walkout?

High quality tools, precious metals, and small electronics all share a common feature that helps loss prevention specialists ensure they remain on company property; they are all made of metal. Whether ferrous or non-ferrous, these valuable items are subject to detection and alert by Paragon, Garrett’s latest walk-through metal detector.

Unlike millimeter wave detection solutions, Paragon ignores the human body, meaning you can catch items concealed between body parts or inside the screened subjects. Paragon also catches items hidden from cameras, picking out metallic components and alerting operators based on your security settings, which include 200 sensitivity levels and six programs designed specifically for loss prevention applications. Additionally, because Paragon is specifically detecting the metal of the targets, it is not vulnerable to the removal of tracking devices or a failure in a human observer. If the detector alerts, staff know it is time for a more thorough search.

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Paragon’s powerful detection goes to the next level with Ambiscan, Garrett’s unique directional programming and sensitivity selection feature tailor-made for loss-prevention applications. Catch weapons coming onto your facility and property going out by programming Paragon to focus on guns and knives on ingress and your tools and products during egress. Because these settings operate simultaneously, they remove the need for security staff to change settings or move detectors, which drastically reduces the opportunity for security failure due to human error.

If extreme detection capability and directional programming were not enough, Paragon also comes with Zero Touch NFC, a new touchless and consistent programming option. Garrett’s NFC cards can alter settings on the fly without menu navigation or button presses, eliminating the possibility of inconsistent settings adjustments due to a careless button press or misremembered program.

Taken together, Paragon is the new standard in loss prevention metal detection—powerful, flexible, and easy-to-use. Paragon is available from Garrett Metal Detectors. If you are interested in learning more about Paragon or Garrett’s other loss prevention security solutions, reach out to request more information and talk to our experts to see if metal detection is right for your asset protection application.

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