Industry Leaders React to the Women of LP Survey

women in loss prevention

People everywhere seem to be talking about the challenges women face in the professional arena. Results from LPM’s very own far-reaching Women of LP survey, sponsored by Tyco Retail Solutions and Protos Security, appeared for the first time as a feature article in the May-June 2018 issue of LP Magazine.

Around the same time, a more comprehensive Women of LP report with all of the survey questions and comments became available for free download as well.

Judging by the reaction of LPM’s readership, it’s safe to say the survey made a big splash.

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As a follow-up to the survey results article, the July-August 2018 issue features a reaction-and-response piece that canvasses loss prevention leadership to hear their thoughts on what the survey had to say. From the latest article:

In general terms, industry leadership believes that the inclusion of women in loss prevention-and more specifically leadership roles-is a critical aspect in the future of the profession. Several believe their companies are doing a good job of recruiting and developing women but feel this isn’t a consistent practice across the industry and others may not emphasize this effort as much as they should. Others believe there is also disparity between policy and practice in many cases.

Here are some of the comments offered by industry leaders:

“The inclusion of women is critical, but it has to start with the LP leadership. As we take on the challenges in retail today and in the future, we need diversity of thought and a mindset to look for solutions that are not founded in the status quo.”

“Generally, I think retailers are doing a good job in this area, but there are still some pockets where there is very little female representation. I don’t think retailers are doing a great job with developing females beyond middle-management positions. There are still far too few women in senior levels of leadership in retail loss prevention.”

“The best leaders learn to identify talent, ask the right questions to confirm that talent is genuine, and then take the right steps to secure and develop talented individuals. That’s true regardless of gender or any other distinction. I believe this is a skill that many believe they have, but most lack, and that greatly contributes to the problem.”

Check out the full article, “Women of Loss Prevention,” to read insights from major players like Lisa LaBruno, Esq., senior vice president of retail operations for the Retail Industry Leaders Association (RILA); Catherine Walsh, senior vice president and general manager of Tyco Retail Solutions; and Bob Moraca, MBA, CPP, CFE, vice president of loss prevention with the National Retail Federation, among others.

For more great LP content, visit the Table of Contents for the July–August 2018 issue or register for a FREE print or digital subscription to the magazine. [Note: if you’re already a logged-in subscriber, the previous link will take you to the current issue instead.]

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