House Passes the INFORM Consumers Act

The US House of Representatives has passed decisively the INFORM Consumers Act, bipartisan legislation to protect consumers from counterfeit and stolen goods being sold online. Retailers are urging congress to get this crucial legislation over the finish line before year’s end.

Michael Hanson

“We are thrilled House lawmakers acted on this vital legislation,” said RILA Senior Executive Vice President of Public Affairs Michael Hanson. “It’s a huge step forward in the fight against organized retail crime and keeping communities across the US safe.

“Retailers continue to be harmed by organized retail crime at record levels. These are not petty thefts, and they are not victimless crimes; they hurt retail employees, customers, families, and their communities. The INFORM Consumers Act is a solution that holds bad actors accountable, and is supported by retailers, marketplaces, consumer groups, law enforcement, and community groups.

Digital Partners

“We applaud and thank Representatives Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) and Gus Bilirakis (R-FL) for their tireless fight to get the INFORM Consumers Act enacted into law. We urge lawmakers to act quickly and decisively to pass the INFORM Consumers Act before the end of the year.”

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