European EAS and RFID Tags Now Available in North America Through New Partnership Between CONTROLTEK and Thoonsen

CONTROLTEK has recently entered into an agreement with French EAS innovator Thoonsen to bring some of the most popular electronic article surveillance (EAS) tags in Europe to the North American market.

“Thoonsen excels in several important EAS segments, such as eyewear protection, padlock-style tags, and solutions for food & drug retailers,” said Tom Meehan, CONTROLTEK’s chief strategy officer and chief information security officer. “This strategic partnership will enable our customers to have a wider selection of EAS products that have already been proven in the European and other markets, and that can address specific shrink challenges for which there are currently no ideal solutions in the United States.”

“CONTROLTEK’s focus is to bring to our customers the best in product protection, whether the product is ours or not,” said Rod Diplock, CONTROLTEK’s CEO. “In instances where we notice that another technology company has an exceptionally good solution, we look to partner with them for the benefit of our customers. Through this partnership with Thoonsen, it is our customers who ultimately win, which is how we define a win for ourselves, too.”

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According to Diplock and Meehan, the Thoonsen tags will be exhibited at CONTROLTEK’s booth at NRF PROTECT in June. The product information and photos can be obtained on CONTROLTEK’s website.

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