Editor’s Letter: Always Playoff Ready

When I sit down to write each Editor’s Letter, we are usually in the midst of production and embroiled in the process of taking an idea from birth to inception. We do this six times a year, so I typically take cues from what’s happening around me: the seasons, the news, changes to our industry, and even sports. As a coach’s daughter, sports are like a magnet for me. That might be one of the reasons I have stayed connected to the LP field so long as it truly is a team concept. No one succeeds alone. This time of year, it’s all about football, even if my beloved Bears failed to make it to the playoffs, again. But what does football have to do with LPM?

We’re a little like a small football team here; we put in the hard work over and over again so that we put a superior product on the field. We may not be sweat‑drenched in the process, but the LP Magazine editorial team has put in some serious work on this issue, and I hope you notice and recognize their hard work. We have painstakingly gone over every detail and will continue to do that for every issue. Just as your LP teams will go over results from an investigation or inventory, we will unpack what went right and wrong after each issue. We want to bring you fresh voices and topics that you haven’t considered before, challenge you to think differently with new concepts, and keep you in playoff condition—mentally. I hope you’ll find that we achieved that in the pages ahead.

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In this issue, keep an eye out for some refreshed looks and, in particular, an update to a long-standing and popular column. In every issue, we present the LPM Excellence, or “Magpie,” Awards to individuals in the industry who go above and beyond to make an impact, whether practitioners, solution providers, or law enforcement. We have updated the image and, as a way of honoring Jack Trlica, Jim Lee, and the others who helped form LP Magazine twenty-three years ago, we have changed the name to “The Founders’ Award.”

At our Fall Meeting in Sanibel Island, Florida, we heard loud and clear that our readers want to see different types of leaders, hear about real‑world cases, and learn about technology. I think we ticked the boxes with this issue and more. From our feature story with Khris Hamlin, the inspiring new LP leader at RILA, to Cory Lowe’s in-depth and personal look at homelessness, there is content here that will inform and spark you on your journey.

Our team will continue to put in the reps and get ready for our next issue, but we could use your help too. Let us know what you like (or don’t like), or submit an idea for an article, and we’ll help you get it published. Just drop us a line at editor@losspreventionmedia.com. We’d also love it if you help spread the word about us—maybe suggest a subscription to a new hire? Or have some print copies ordered for your next department meeting.

We look forward to seeing you at the tradeshows and Regional Town Halls this
year. Thanks for all you do to support LP Magazine.

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