Asset Protection Industry Innovator Mike Lamb Announces His Retirement

Mike Lamb

Mike Lamb, LPC, vice president of asset protection and safety, has announced his retirement from the Kroger Company. For almost four decades, Mike has provided a stellar example of authentic leadership, both within the companies he has served and across the asset protection community. Although his resume has included leading the world’s largest retailer, the largest home improvement retailer, and the largest grocery retailer, he has also offered his time to help support and improve the profession as a board member with the Loss Prevention Research Council, RILA’s Asset Protection Leaders Council, The Loss Prevention Foundation, an Advisory Committee Member with the National Association for Shoplifting Prevention (NASP), and as an Editorial Board Member with LP Magazine.

Mike has consistently shown the drive and flexibility of an industry innovator, always maintaining a strong focus on the holistic business objectives of driving sales and profit while integrating a successful asset protection program that complements those goals. He is often applauded by his team and his colleagues for taking the time to listen, offering guidance and a confident perspective with the humility of true leadership. His leadership approach, positive attitude, outstanding communication, strategic, and tactical skill sets will be missed across the industry. Yet while he will be sorely missed, his passion for promoting personal and professional growth and development will remain with us through the countless leaders across the industry that he has mentored and inspired.

For those that may not know, this is Mike’s second attempt at retirement—but he has assured us that this will be his last. Please join us in congratulating Mike as he enters the next chapter of his career. We are grateful for the many contributions he has made to the asset protection community.

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