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USS Partners with the Loss Prevention Foundation

USS, a global leader in product protection and security systems, recently announced their new Associate Level Scholarship partnership with the Loss Prevention Foundation (LPF).

Founded in 2006 by industry-leading professionals, the LPF is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to serving the loss prevention industry by advancing the profession. Their mission is primarily accomplished through partnerships with retailers and solution providers, like USS, and by providing relevant, convenient and challenging educational resources.

As a member of the Foundation’s Scholarship Partners program, USS receives a block of LPF certification scholarships. These scholarships can be distributed to retailers, law enforcement, USS employees or other candidates deemed worthy.

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Claude Verville, USS chief operating officer (COO) and an LPC certified member of the LPF’s board of directors, voiced his confidence in the new relationship. “I believe in the significance of the LPC certification and can personally attest to the quality and diversity of the content,” he said. “Prior to joining the USS team, as leader within the loss prevention industry, I have required all my leaders and management to be LP certified. Now as the COO of USS, we are proud to sponsor the LPF and privileged to sponsor four LPC scholarships.”

“We are excited to announce our new relationship with USS,” said Gene Smith, LPC, president of The Loss Prevention Foundation. “This partnership demonstrates their continued commitment to the loss prevention and asset protection industry. Our scholarship partners are vital to our mission of providing education through certification initiatives such as the LPQualified (LPQ) and LPCertified (LPC).”

Additionally, at the Associate Level Partnership, USS is entitled to several other advantages and benefits ranging from the logo being featured on the LPF website to proud partner signage to be displayed at industry conferences and tradeshows.

On top of the undeniable value the partnership brings, the new relationship demonstrates both organizations’ commitment to advancing the profession and adds immediate legitimacy with practitioners and future leaders.

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