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Third Suspect Arraigned in $500K ORC Ring

A third suspect in a theft ring was arraigned Aug. 21 in Dearborn Michigan’s 19th District Court. Deon Davey, 19, of Detroit was charged with 10 counts each of receiving and concealing stolen property and organized retail crime. The value of the recovered goods was in excess of a half million dollars. The other two suspects, who were previously arraigned, also are from Detroit. The trio is accused of stealing items from various retail stores in Canton such as CVS, Walgreens, Rite-Aid and Target. Victoria Henderson, 33, would allegedly steal the items, and then give them to Nafez Mohammad, 59, who would take them to a storage unit in Dearborn to remove the security devices and stickers. The items were then being sold on the Internet, according to police.

“Over the past year, the Canton Police Department has been diligent with our investigations into organized retail criminal enterprises,” Deputy Director Chad Baugh said. “Our intention is to disrupt the trade of stolen merchandise in our region, therefore diminishing the number of venues for would-be thieves to sell their stolen goods. In the long run, legitimate retailers will see a reduction in thefts, therefore averting consumers from paying inflated retail prices to make up for the losses,” Baugh said. Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy said they would prosecute to the fullest extent they can.

“We are committed to prosecuting those who engage in organized retail crime,” she said. “This kind of criminal activity can potentially and negatively affect every resident of Wayne County.” Mohammad and Henderson are both facing charges of running a continuing criminal enterprise, two counts of receiving and concealing property worth under $1,000, 10 counts of receiving and concealing property worth over $1,000, and 17 counts of organized retail crime. A total of five people were arrested; the other two haven’t been arraigned yet.   [Source: Press & Guide]

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