There’s More to ORC with Homeland Security | Ep. 72

As Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) helps to lead the fight against ORC, retailers are partnering with HSI and a network of government agencies supporting ORC investigators and driving investigations that also look at the ancillary opportunities for criminal charges, which will help in crippling and dismantling these criminal networks.

In this podcast, HSI Financial and Fraud Division Deputy Assistant Director for Countering Transnational Organized Crime Raul Aguilar, Washington DC Financial and Fraud Division Acting Division Chief Al Giangregorio, Washington DC Financial Crimes Unit Chief Tom Welch, Washington DC FCU Program Manager Billy Melton, and Houston Special Agent Robert Skidmore, talk about how they are fighting against ORC. This discussion was originally a part of LPM’s January ORC BLITZ, which you can find the full version of here.

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