The University of California Just Took Five Retail Giants to Court over Light Bulbs

The University of California has launched “a first-of-its-kind” legal campaign against five retailers accused of infringing on a UC Santa Barbara patent – specifically, LED light bulb technology created by a Nobel laureate-led research group.

“The goal of this campaign is to ensure that UC’s patent rights are respected so it can reinvest in education and research to create more world-changing technologies,” said Seth Levy, a Los Angeles-based partner at Nixon Peabody, the firm representing the UC system in the lawsuit. “It also is a message to entities throughout the private sector that university intellectual property rights cannot be infringed with impunity.”

The technology in question is a light bulb technology called filament LED, “which replaces traditional incandescent light bulbs while using about 90 percent less energy and lasting many years longer.” Foreign companies manufacture… Merced Sun-Star

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