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Tag: theft

LPM news in review

ICYMI: LP Industry News of the Week March 14 – 20

Colorado Passes INFORM Legislation | 10 States Hit Record Low Unemployment | DC Lululemon Robbed 2 Days in a Row
LPM news in review

ICYMI: LP Industry News of the Week March 7 – 13

Florida Passes Bill Combatting ORC | San Fran Cracks Down on Stolen-Item Street Vending | Women Arrested for Using Child as Shoplifting Lookout
LPM news in review

ICYMI: LP Industry News of the Week Feb. 28 – March 6

An Interview With San Francisco's DA | Border Protection Seizes More Than $2M in Counterfeit Entertainment Systems | Dollar General Employee Steals Cash for Rent Money
LPM news in review

ICYMI: LP Industry News of the Week Feb. 21-27

Amazon Continues Opening Grocery Stores with Cashierless Checkout | Seattle Businesses Fatigued from Reporting Shoplifting Cases | Police Uncover ORC Ring Targeting Home Depot
LPM news in review

ICYMI: LP Industry News of the Week Feb. 7 – 13

Chicago ORC Ringleader Arrested | Supermarket Theft Rising in Canada | Home Depot Shoplifting Sting Nets 17 Arrests
LPM news in review

ICYMI: LP Industry News of the Week Jan. 31 – Feb. 6

Downtown Seattle Association Hires Private Security | Collectibles Catch the Eyes of Criminals | LA Councilman Calls Train Theft an Economic Threat
LPM news in review

ICYMI: LP Industry News of the Week Jan. 24 – 30

INFORM Act Included in America COMPETES Act | Wisconsin Approves Tougher Penalties for Coordinated Shoplifting | Black Man Mistaken for Shoplifter Sues Walmart
LPM news in review

ICYMI: LP Industry News of the Week Jan. 17 – 23

CHP Recovers $19.7M in Stolen Goods | Sifting Through the Train Thefts of LA | Downtown Seattle Sees Rampant Retail Crime
LPM news in review

ICYMI: LP Industry News of the Week Jan. 10 – 16

Walgreens Says Shrink is 50% Higher than in 2020 | Omicron Disruptions Affect Retail Workers | Illinois Top House Democrat Vows to Pass Anti-crime Package
LPM news in review

ICYMI: LP Industry News of the Week Jan. 3 – 9

California Bill Could Reverse Proposition 47 | Florida Attorney General Announces Efforts to Fight ORC | Walmart Asks Court to Throw Out $2.1M Shoplifting Verdict
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