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Tag: theft prevention

cargo crime

In-Transit Cargo Crime Risks and Repercussions

Envision the following scenario. You are at home around 8:15 at night watching television with your wife or kids when the phone rings. The...
loss prevention positions

How Can We Keep Good People in Loss Prevention Positions?

In a 2016 survey of retail loss prevention executives, staff turnover and retention of staff was identified as a cause of concern. "Attracting and...
retail innovation trends, asset protection system

All Together Now

The giant course correction hitting retail now appears pointed squarely in one direction—toward technology. It was the sum and substance of presentations at the...
how do you calculate roi

How Do You Calculate ROI in Retail?

At some point in your retail loss prevention career, if you haven’t done so already, you will be called upon to help make procurement decisions on...

Loss Prevention, Stress, and Building a Resilient LP Workforce

In loss prevention’s desire to improve solutions and enhance performance, it can be easy to forget about the dangers personnel face, especially those non-acute risks that can cause problems over time, such as harm to health and well-being from stress.

Bystander No More: Today’s Best Solutions Are Being Developed through LP Collaboration with Vendors

Sponsored by Checkpoint High-Theft Solutions Loss prevention practitioners need not assume the role of spectator in the development of theft prevention solutions. With the right...
kroger asset protection

Feature Article in Nov–Dec Issue Explores LP’s Role in Harvey and Irma Response

The Atlantic hurricane season is thankfully coming to a close, but retailers everywhere are still uncovering takeaways and lessons learned in the wake of...
target's minimum wage

Target’s Minimum Wage Increased. What Does That Mean for Theft?

Employee theft is a source of loss simply too costly to ignore, which is why loss prevention practitioners are always on the lookout for...

Savvy Retailers Find Value in New Benefit-Denial Technology

Benefit denial, which has a long history as an effective loss prevention strategy, is now taking an even more central role in stopping retail theft.
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