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Tag: store loss prevention

LP Associate Resigns When Shoplifting Arrest Turns into Carjacking Attempt

Scott Hurst, 30, of Caseyville, Illinois, is looking for a job after he was allowed to resign as a JCPenney store loss prevention associate....

Partnering with Law Enforcement to Combat Organized Retail Crime

While some of the tools of organized retail crime and methods of operation continue to evolve with the changes in technology and dynamics of...

LAAORCA: Taking a Bite Out of Organized Retail Crime

LAAORCA, the Los Angeles Area Organized Retail Crime Association, is still active and growing as a law enforcement-retail loss prevention partnership in the Los...

Bullies Don’t Belong in Loss Prevention

Editors Note: As we review some of LP Magazine’s top stories of 2015, this story should serve as an important reminder to every loss...

Staying Connected to the Field

EDITOR'S NOTE: Mike Silveira is vice president of loss prevention for CVS Health. Prior to CVS, he held numerous management positions with Home Depot. EDITOR:...
Head, Heart, and Hands

Head, Heart, and Hands: Best Buy’s Approach to Distribution Center Loss Prevention

Best Buy’s executive management realized some years ago that the challenges and approaches to loss prevention at our fast-growing chain of retail stores—there are...

Developing a Strategy for Professional Development and Shrinkage Reduction

EDITORS NOTE: William M. BillTitus is vice president of lossprevention, environmental health,and safety for Sears, Roebuckand Co. He is responsible for overseeing over 2,400full-line...

Reorganizing Loss Prevention through Talent and Technology

EDITORS NOTE: Paul Jones is senior vice president of loss prevention for Limited Brands. He is responsible for overseeing the loss prevention, shortage control,...
Implementing an e-Learning Strategy for Loss Prevention Training

Implementing an e-Learning Strategy for Loss Prevention Training

In today’s economy, cutbacks, downsizing, and store closings have become a common means to streamline the bottom line of today’s retailers. Nowhere more than...
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