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Tag: shoplifting


Are Thefts by Senior Citizens Rivaling Juvenile Shoplifting?

For many years, the stereotype of the amateur shoplifter has been a juvenile shoplifting offender pilfering candy, makeup, and other minor items from retail...
lp magazine

LP Magazine: A Look Back at the Middle Years

Bill Turner, LPC, has been a reader and contributor to Loss Prevention magazine (now LP Magazine) since its inception in 2001. Now, as the...
Setting the Stage for an Organized Retail Crime Strategy 2

Building an Organized Retail Crime Team

Editor's Note: Organized retail crime remains an ongoing challenge for loss prevention programs across the country. The following article excerpt provides a historical account on...
Copyright Leigh Prather, Adobe Stock

Integrating Retail, Social Media, and Incarceration Data with Artificial Intelligence for Next-Gen Threat Prevention...

Retail security professionals are continually striving to fend off threats. They face a never-ending battle. A solution is implemented only to have offenders circumvent...

Holiday Season Presents Retail Shrink Challenges (Checkpoint Systems)

According to the recently published 2016 Retail Holiday Season Global Forecast, retailers will experience both the heaviest sales volumes and the weakest performances (specific...
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