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Tag: shoplifting

The Future of Integrated Systems and IoT Is the Future of Retail

There is a lot of talk in retail about the store of the future—when it will be here, what it will look like, and how it might influence customer interactions in ways both recognizable and not. Post sponsored by Axis Communications.
working in loss prevention

Working in Loss Prevention Alongside Law Enforcement: Can It Be Done?

For years, there have been those who have questioned whether retail loss prevention and law enforcement can effectively work in partnership with one another. Professionals working in loss prevention have often felt that law enforcement was unconcerned about helping them with their business.
retail industry, grocery store shrink

Managing Grocery Store Shrink Begins with Problem Identification

One question I have been asked frequently is, “How did you know how to battle retail shrink in the grocery business, especially considering your...

Mom Accused of Leaving Child in Hot Car While Shoplifting

The Harris County Precinct 4 Constable’s Office in Texas says a mom is facing a child endangerment charge after she was allegedly caught shoplifting...
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