Tag: shoplifting
Are Retailers Selling Shoplifting Tools?
I purchased the cooler bag and went to one of my corporate retail colleagues to test the bag with two different types of electronic article surveillance (EAS) tags; the classic hard tags and UPC-style sticker tags. After a series of tests, I noted the following results.
No Charges for Police Officer Who Shot Suspected Shoplifter for Second Time
The Baltimore County police officer that shot a shoplifting suspect July 3 in Rosedale, Maryland, will not be charged, according to the state’s attorney for Baltimore County....
What Is a Loss Prevention Manager?
To the average consumer, a loss prevention manager might once have been perceived as a “security guard”: a reactionary presence in a retail establishment whose primary responsibility is to apprehend shoplifters.
Two Arrested, AK-47, Drugs, Cash Seized in Shoplifting Call
Police in Waco, Texas, say that two people were arrested and a third is being sought after a Monday shoplifting call turned violent and...
To Stop or Not to Stop the Shoplifter: Is This Still a Question?
Am I sure that he is attempting to steal this merchandise? "Yes, I am sure."
How’s It Going at Amazon Go?
Amazon Go, the company's first revolutionary store without a cashier, opened on January 22, 2018. It's been six months. So, how's it going?