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Tag: shoplifting laws in florida


Seeking the Gold

As we enter yet another holiday season and with 2006 on the horizon, many retailers are focused on the all-important priority of finishing strong in 2005...

Evaluating the Pros and Cons of Remote Video Monitoring

Video monitoring has been used successfully in retail settings for several years.Video surveillance has enabled significant improvements in customer and associate safety, as well...
Loss Prevention Technology

Hot Products—Protecting Our Best Stuff

Think about it, much of our merchandise is occasionally purchased or lost. But some items just seem to fly out of the store. Recent research in the United...

The European Road Map—Managing Stock Loss in the Retail Sector

If shrinkage management could be viewed as a journey, then recent European experience would be one not only lacking a final destination, but one plagued by...

A New LP Challenge

Every retail loss prevention professional is familiar with the traditional avenues through which loss occurs. Shoplifting, both amateur and professional, employee theft, and refunding schemes are...

The Human Factor

In a merger completed just over a year ago joining two of the largest office supply product companies, Boise Office Solutions and OfficeMax, a lot of...

Weathering the Perfect Storm

Despite consolidation and narrowing margins, retailing is healthier now than it has been in many years. It is also true that retailers are doing more...

From Retail Sales to LP Management

EDITORS NOTE: Frank Johns is vicepresident of loss prevention for OfficeDepot, a $13 billion office supplyretailer with more than 950 stores, 22 delivery centers,...

An Academic Approach to LP

EDITOR’S NOTE: Richard C. Hollinger, Ph.D. is a professor in the Department of Criminology, Law and Society at the University of Florida in Gainesville. He is...

Managing LP by Managing Data

Movie Gallery is the second largest and fastest growing video rental retailer in the world. Starting with one store in Dothan, Alabama, in 1985, the...
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