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Tag: safety loss prevention


Visualizing Supply-Chain Security

Earlier this year, a firestorm of public outcry was set off with the announcement that the Dubai-based ports operator DP World would take over...

An Important Proactive Component of Effective Disaster Readiness

Loss prevention professionals are increasingly challenged with new corporate responsibilities. One such area is business continuity. Understanding the steps for implementing an effective business...
Boosting Employee Shrinkage and Safety Awareness in the DC Environment

Boosting Employee Shrinkage and Safety Awareness in the DC Environment

Four major retailers discovered that reducing losses in their distribution centers (DCs) boiled down to one primary challenge—getting associates to take responsibility and accountability...
Monitoring and Securing Cargo with Electronic Padlocks

Monitoring and Securing Cargo with Electronic Padlocks

Many of us in the loss prevention world can attribute our roots to the fundamental, foundational role of store detective. As a detective, the...
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