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Tag: safety hazards

The Top Challenges Retailers Face 0116 Image 1

The Top Challenges Retailers Face and the Retail Technologies that Deliver Solutions

Today’s retailers must cope with a broader range of threats than ever before, and these challenges go well beyond preventing loss and increasing sales....
The Top Challenges Retailers Face 0116 Image 1

The Top Challenges Retailers Face

Today’s retailers must cope with a broader range of threats than ever before, and these challenges go well beyond preventing loss and increasing sales....

“Selling” Loss Prevention Management Services – The Ace Hardware Story

Editor’s note: This content focuses on some of the different loss prevention management strategies that take place in a retail franchise environment, and how...

Second US-Mexico LP Summit Shares Best Practices on Retail Security and Loss Prevention Strategies

Nearly thirty retail executives representing nine Mexican and US retailers gathered at the Sheraton Santa Fe hotel in Mexico City October 13-14 to share...
Sears Holdings APP Logo

Ernie Deyle Named Senior Director of Safety & Enterprise Resiliency at Sears Holdings Corporation

Sears Holdings Corporation has named Ernie Deyle as Senior Director of Safety & Enterprise Resiliency.  In this role, Ernie will lead all of SHC’s...
Walmart Canada logo

Brad Baker named Senior Director Field Implemenation at Walmart Canada

Brad Baker has been promoted to Senior Director Field Implementation at Walmart Canada. Brad has over 15 years of retail experience across Canada. He...

2015 RLPSA Conference: Day One

Collaborate. Network. Train. Learn. Engage. Each of these can be considered worthwhile objectives for a great industry conference. At day one of the Restaurant...

Where Were You on the Morning of September 11th?

I was driving from Austin, Texas, to Houston. Looking for a sports talk show, I could only find a news station on the radio....

Profit Protection—A U.K. Spin on Loss Prevention

EDITOR’S NOTE: Ian Carter is head of profit protection for B&Q plc, the number-one home improvement and garden center retailer in Europe and the third largest in the...
Retail Theft Statistics, Fraud Statistics

Benchmarking Your Performance on Shrinkage

The session took place on the second day of the conference and used an established technology that enabled individual delegates to “answer” questions in real time put...
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