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Tag: retail theft

retail theft ring shoplifting, security in shopping malls. catching shoplifters, prop 47

Does Concealment = Shoplifting?

It is a common misbelief among shoplifters that an individual must exit the store with unpurchased merchandise before being civilly liable for statutory civil...
flash mob robbery

Flash Mob Robbery and the Retail Threat

What started out a few years ago as a phenomenon that used social networking sites to gather a group of people in a public...
how do you calculate roi

How Do You Calculate ROI in Retail?

At some point in your retail loss prevention career, if you haven’t done so already, you will be called upon to help make procurement decisions on...
Professional Development, loss prevention personnel

People on the Move: February 2018

Professional advancement and building a successful loss prevention career can mean many things to many different people. For some individuals, it may mean reaching...
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