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Tag: retail security

IOBSE Spring Conference Convenes at Tyco HQ Next Week in Florida

The leading organization for minority security professionals is holding its annual spring conference April 13-14 in Boca Raton, Florida, at Tyco corporate headquarters. The...

From Store Detective To Research Scientist with the Loss Prevention Research Council

Read Hayes, Ph.D., CPP, is the director of the Loss Prevention Research Council(LPRC) and coordinator of the Loss Prevention Research Team at the University...

Outplaced: Committing Loss Prevention Suicide?

This year I will turn sixty-six years old and intend to retire after over thirty-six years in academia, including thirty-three years at the University...
McDonalds golden arches

Guardians of the Golden Arches: The McDonald’s US Security Program

The McDonald's US security team takes the uniqueness of principle that is McDonald's and forges its own path in the loss prevention space.
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Loss Prevention Strategies Built from a Different Mold

The Sport Chalet experience is focused on “premier sporting goods and expert advice.” There are some distinct anti-shrink and fraud-prevention features built into the...

LP Leaders Need to be Retail Security and Loss Control Experts

Violence, theft, fraud, and even poor process design and execution are killing retailers across the globe. Now more than ever, your retail organization needs...

EyeOnLP: A Look Back at Secure Stores Forum 2015

LP Magazine served as the media partner for the 2015 Secure Stores Forum and will join the fun once again in 2016.
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The Top Challenges Retailers Face

Today’s retailers must cope with a broader range of threats than ever before, and these challenges go well beyond preventing loss and increasing sales....
Jack Trlica signature

Magazine Expands Its Industry Support

Entering our fifteenth year of publication, we trust that we have established ourselves as the primary information and education publication for LP, asset protection,...

Loss Prevention Leaders Must Win

Regardless of what your company sells, where you sell it, or your total store count, you as a loss prevention or asset protection professional...
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