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Tag: retail industry

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Looking Ahead: 2016 US Retail Industry Trends

As 2016 swings into full gear, retail industry professionals want to know: what hot topics and significant trends will take center stage this year?...

Checkpoint Systems Announces Roll Out with Japan’s Major Chain AEON RETAIL and Introduction of...

Checkpoint Systems, Inc., a leading global supplier of merchandise availability solutions for the retail industry, today announced that AEON Retail, a major Japanese retailer,...
retail technologies retail industry

Retail Trends Indicate Holiday Sales Stronger than Expected

Retailers have good reason to celebrate the start of the new year, with the latest retail trends indicating that the holiday shopping season has...

“Fight for $15” and Loss Prevention Concerns

Editor’s Note: We wrote about it back in June, but the “Fight for $15” campaign for a higher federal minimum wage in the United...
retail technologies retail industry

Post-Holiday Merchandise Return Fraud

Returns and return fraud are a big issue—and getting bigger. In 2014, $284 billion worth of retail merchandise was returned in the United States,...

Police: Employee Theft Incident Involves Drug Diversion

A pharmacy worker working at a Walmart in Delray Beach, Florida has been arrested and charged in an employee theft incident that allegedly involves...

Columnists Discuss Wide Variety of Important Loss Prevention Topics

The columnists in the November-December issue address multiple topics of interest to loss prevention professionals– from internal theft interviewing techniques to vendor-retailer partnerships to...
e-commerce security issues

Risk Management Solutions for e-Commerce

Editor's Note: Many of the subjects discussed in this article are as valid today as they were when the content was originally presented, while other...

Organized Retail Crime: Executing the ORC Strategy

Organized retail crime remains an ongoing challenge for loss prevention programs across the country. The following article serves as Part 2 of a two-part...
US Flag

Retail Trend Ignites Controversy: Should We Remove the Confederate Flag from Our Stores?

Editor’s Note: As LP Magazine looks back at some of the top articles of 2015, this story reminds us of the strength of our...
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