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Tag: professional development plan

10 Tips for Building a Better Resume

The resume has to be more than an accumulation of dates and facts. It has to tell a story. It has to grab attention. It has to send a message. But it also has to be honest and genuine.

A Resume Headlines the Professional Development Plan

When you’re good at what you do, you don’t typically spend a whole lot of time thinking about what your next job might be...

Tips for Building a Better Resume: Focus on Truths, Not Tricks

Serving as the gateway to a professional development plan, crafting a quality resume can be one of the most important tasks in your professional...

Tips for Building a Better Resume: Use a Resume Format that Grabs and Holds...

When it comes to crafting a better resume, some of the most important features should focus on the basics. While it may seem to...

Tips for Building a Better Resume: Don’t Simply Post a List of Job Descriptions

Building a better resume is often an exercise in fundamental communication and common sense, with some of the most important features focusing basic concepts....

Tips for Building a Better Resume: Education Reflects a Professional Investment

The resume is a road map. It shares with the reader where you’ve been, where you are today, and most importantly—where you’re capable of going.

Keeping Your Resume Up to Date

Building a better resume requires that we see the document as a living map of our career path. When you’re good at what you...
Professional Development, loss prevention personnel

People on the Move: April 2018 Loss Prevention Personnel Transitions

CONGRATULATIONS to the 67 movers and shakers this month! Check out our new headshot feature and feel free to submit your photo if your name is on the list.
Professional Development, loss prevention personnel

People on the Move: March 2018

Professional advancement and building a successful loss prevention career can mean many things to many different people. For some individuals, it may mean reaching...
Professional Development, loss prevention personnel

People on the Move: February 2018

Professional advancement and building a successful loss prevention career can mean many things to many different people. For some individuals, it may mean reaching...
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