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Tag: point of sale pos

Brick-and-Mortar Is Not Dead; Amazon Just Proved It

Brick-and-mortar didnt die, and Amazon just confirmed it with its purchase of Whole Foods. Unless you live under a rock, you have seen the...
video surveillance systems

Using Video Surveillance Systems to Perform Audits

Throughout my career in retail loss prevention, I’ve seen some pretty outrageous behavior captured by video surveillance systems. From performance and productivity issues –...
security cameras

An Update on Major Subjects Affecting Retail LP

After completing the three-part series on the first fifteen years of Loss Prevention magazine, I promised to write an additional article that looks at...
cash handling best practices, cash handling procedures retail

Cashing In on Security

It is possible for cash to be an afterthought. Shoppers are using it less, and it doesn’t command attention like new mobile payment methods...

Emerging Technologies

In the second in a series of industry-focused benchmarking surveys, the authors present a few key findings from a new study of how some...
surveillance camera system

Leveraging Your Surveillance Camera System to Boost Total In-Store Performance

Retail organizations have been using surveillance video as a valuable tool to combat shrinkage, which can account for more than 1.38 percent of retail...
retail asset protection

From Security to Loss Prevention to Retail Asset Protection to Profit Enhancement

The retail loss prevention industry has seen a pronounced evolution through the years. It is very different today than in the past, and it will...

Fifteen Years of Loss Prevention, Part 3

Here we are at the third and final installment of the first fifteen years of Loss Prevention magazine. I had indicated in the first...
Data Security Attack

Data Security Attacks on POS Systems: Hitting Retailers Where It Hurts

Data security attacks and cyber breaches are making headlines like never before, with some of the largest and most well-known brands—LinkedIn and Yahoo among...
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