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Tag: lpportal

LPM Excellence Program Recognizes Melissa Mitchell for Community Service

Excellence in Community Service Melissa Mitchell, CFI, Director, Asset Protection and Retail Supply Chain, LifeWay Christian Stores A veteran of the United States Air Force and...

LPM Excellence Program Recognizes Johnny Turner for Leadership

The LPM team is privileged to have a front-row seat to the very best in the loss prevention industry, providing a unique opportunity to...
Jack Trlica signature

Perspectives from Practitioners

We try to always write the articles in this magazine from the perspective of the loss prevention practitioner. Apart from the columns written by...

LPM “Magpie” Awards: Applauding Excellence

The LPM team is privileged to have a front-row seat to the very best in the loss prevention industry, providing a unique opportunity to...

People On the Move: March-April 2017

Jamie Jones was promoted to Corporate Security Analyst at Aldi. David Zwernemann is now a Regional LP Manager at Amazon. Ascena Retail Group announced the following...
Chief William Gross

LPM Excellence Program Recognizes Chief William Gross for Partnerships

The LPM team is privileged to have a front-row seat as observers of the loss prevention industry. One aspect of our role is to...
Bob MacLea

LPM Excellence Program Recognizes Bob MacLea for Community Service

The LPM team is privileged to have a front-row seat as observers of the loss prevention industry. One aspect of our role is to...
Mike Lamb Walmart

LPM Excellence Program Recognizes Mike Lamb, LPC, for Leadership

The LPM team is privileged to have a front-row seat as observers of the loss prevention industry. One aspect of our role is to...
Mike Lamb Walmart

Recognizing the Best in Loss Prevention

The LPM team is privileged to have a front-row seat as observers of the loss prevention industry. That gives us a unique opportunity to...
Jack Trlica signature

New Year, New Editorial

The New Year is often bittersweet. On one hand, I look back at 2016 with a bit of nostalgia given it was the magazine’s...
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