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Tag: lp magazine

David Shugan

Carter’s Loss Prevention Department Functions as a Business Partner

David Shugan, CFI, currently serves as the senior director of loss prevention for Carter’s, a children’s clothing company based out of Atlanta. He has...
retail loss, inventory shrinkage definition

Defining and Measuring Total Retail Loss

Professionals in the retail universe agree that loss is a problem. What they have not agreed on in the past is what actually makes...

Painting Pictures Is Never Easy

Loss prevention and asset protection decision-makers need clearer pictures of the causes and dynamics of their crime and loss issues. Precise, cost-effective solutions addressing...

Breaking the Retail Shrinkage Life Cycle

For those of who have been in the loss prevention business for a number of years, you are surely familiar with the retail shrinkage...


Ever wonder what it would be like if every time we opened a bottle of our favorite cola it tasted different? Would we be...
loss prevention technology

Making the Most of Loss Prevention Technology, Part 4

Technologies do not manage themselves; they need to be managed with equal passion and energy at all the key stages of their life cycles,...

2016 Holiday Retail Trends, Sales Performance and Loss Prevention

Annual retail trends consistently emphasize the importance of the holiday season on overall retail performance. And although the face of retail continues to change...
Restaurant Loss Prevention

Franchise Restaurant Loss Prevention and Security Considerations

Consider this. Loss prevention programs require monetary output for potential safety and security measures, such as buying and installing CCTV cameras or implementing access...

EyeOnLP: Congratulations on 15 Years

Friends and valued partners in the LP community share their well wishes for the magazine's 15th anniversary in this commemorative video.
loss prevention business strategy

Doing More with Less? Loss Prevention Business Myths vs. Reality

Over the past few years, the mantra of "doing more with less" has become so ingrained in corporate and business jargon that it goes...
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