Tag: loss prevention duties
10 Tips for Building a Better Resume
The resume has to be more than an accumulation of dates and facts. It has to tell a story. It has to grab attention. It has to send a message. But it also has to be honest and genuine.
Maturing into Your Career: What That Really Means
What does it really mean to excel as a professional? Many of us will attempt to measure the quality of our career in terms...
LPC and LPQ: Two Critical Loss Prevention Training Courses
Core competencies and standards of performance have been established by industry leadership and subject matter experts from across the retail loss prevention community to represent the needs and expectations of the profession.
The Crossroads along a Successful Career Path
As is true in almost every profession, along every successful career path there are times when we reflect on where we are and what...
15 Job Interview Tips to Get You to the Next Level
As we travel down our career path, we learn that the road to professional success requires a wide spectrum of skills and experience far...
A Thorough Resume Review is Crucial when Filling Your Loss Prevention Job Openings
There is a skill to reading a resume beyond a simple reference to positions, experience, and education. When filling your loss prevention job openings,...
13 Vital Requirements for an Effective Loss Prevention Department
When building a successful loss prevention department, our objectives must be attentive to the ultimate goals of the company and needs of the business.
8 Reasons Why Smart Leaders Sometimes Engage in Unethical Behavior at Work
When I went to prison, I was scared—not an uncommon feeling. I knew exactly what I did that landed me in there—32 federal felony counts of bribery, conspiracy, and money laundering—but I didn't know why I did what I did.
Loss Prevention Certification: Recently Certified November 2018
The Loss Prevention Foundation is pleased to recognize and congratulate the following individuals who have successfully completed all of the requirements set forth by the board of directors to be LPQualified (LPQ) and/or LPCertified (LPC).
Writing the Perfect Loss Prevention Resume
If you are thinking about writing your own resume (rather than using a professional resume writing service) to reflect the experience, accomplishments, and other...