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Tag: loss prevention company


Targeting Return and Other Retail Fraud

Since opening its first store in 1962, Target has set itself apart from other discount retailers by differentiating itself as a design leader with fresh and...
360-Degree Intellectual Property Protection

360-Degree Intellectual Property Protection

A company’s brand is its most valuable asset. Today, the concept of “brand” stretches beyond a company’s logo, colors, product design, and general trade...
Expanding LP at Sterling Jewelers in the Sarbanes-Oxley Era

Expanding LP at Sterling Jewelers in the Sarbanes-Oxley Era

There’s something about starting a twelve-hour workday with an early morning teleconference with your company’s London-based risk committee. For Kevin Valentine, those trans-Atlantic meetings...

A New LP Challenge

Every retail loss prevention professional is familiar with the traditional avenues through which loss occurs. Shoplifting, both amateur and professional, employee theft, and refunding schemes are...

From the Super Bowl to the Supermarket

EDITORS NOTE: Jeff Richardson recently retired as vice president of loss prevention and security for Pathmark Stores, Inc. after thirty-two years. He began his...

If You Don’t Ask, You May Not Find Out

Paul searched the local classifieds and found a job listing that piqued his interest. He called the special number and had a favorable five-minute...
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