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Tag: IAI

From the Super Bowl to the Supermarket

EDITORS NOTE: Jeff Richardson recently retired as vice president of loss prevention and security for Pathmark Stores, Inc. after thirty-two years. He began his...
The Quest for Excellence at Saks Fifth Avenue

The Quest for Excellence at Saks Fifth Avenue

EDITORS NOTE:Rosamaria Sostilio is vice president of asset protection for Saks Fifth Avenue. She manages the corporate and field organizations and is responsible for...
Delivering the Corporate Mission

Delivering the Corporate Mission

EDITORS NOTE: Roger Osborne is general manager of store operations at Hollywood Entertainment. He is in charge of the entire Hollywood Video field operations...
Gems of Leadership for Loss Prevention

Gems of Leadership for Loss Prevention

EDITORS NOTE: Richard Mellor is divisional vice president of loss prevention at Helzberg Diamonds based in Kansas City, Missouri. He assumed this position in...
Managing Change at the World’s Most Admired Specialty Retailer

Managing Change at the Worlds Most Admired Specialty Retailer

EDITORS NOTE: Leonard A. Schlesinger is vice chairman and chief operating officer of Limited Brands. He also sits on the companys board of directors....
Monitoring and Securing Cargo with Electronic Padlocks

Monitoring and Securing Cargo with Electronic Padlocks

Many of us in the loss prevention world can attribute our roots to the fundamental, foundational role of store detective. As a detective, the...
Improving Home Improvement Shrinkage

Improving Home Improvement Shrinkage

E D I T O R : Your title is vice president of loss prevention, safety, and hazmat. That entails a lot. Give us...
Changing the Loss Prevention Culture in Food Retailing

Changing the Loss Prevention Culture in Food Retailing

EDITORS NOTE:Dan Faketty is vice president of loss prevention at Harris Teeter, an upscale grocery chain with 143 stores operating in six southeastern states....
The Current State of the Security Industry

The Current State of the Security Industry

EDITORS NOTE: Steven C. Millwee, CPP, is president and CEO of SecurTest, Inc., a national crisis management and applicant-screening firm based in Tampa, Florida....
NEXCOM: Managing a Truly Worldwide LP Organization

NEXCOM: Managing a Truly Worldwide LP Organization

EDITORS NOTE: Fritz Hirchert is director of loss prevention and safety, responsible for traditional loss prevention and safety functions for the U.S. Navys store...
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